January 27, 2015

Indian Retail Market - Opportunities in Food Retailing - Precursor

I feel that Today in India, Retail is divided into 2 large part (i mean broadly) one is on food side (Grocery) and other is on Non-Food lifestyle side (Fashion, Digital etc). What we read today and is getting huge media attention about Price cuts, new jobs, threat to brand owners etc etc  holds largely true for Lifestyle retailing but food retailing is altogether a different ball game, Indians still spend major chunk of money in food and that remains very much in the hands of brokers, middleman, channels etc and real benefit is lost for Producer as well as end consumer. What we need is an integration between Gram-Panchayat (For Supplies) + Brick&Mortar Retailer (To manager back-end storage & distribution) + Online Retailer (To scale up volume and expand geographies). I strongly feel that Indian consumer will surprise everyone with close integration and expansion of e/m-commerce. Just few personal views.. may worth a try to make it a reality.

Will keep downloading my thoughts on this topic for a while now... cheers

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