March 1, 2008

Brazil Sugar outlook 2007-08

Brazil’s sugar output in 2007-08 is forecasted at 32.85 million tonnes up by 3.96 % from 2006-07. Total sugarcane planted area for 2007-08 is projected at 7.19 million hectares (ha), a 10 % increase compared to 2006-07 6.55 million ha. As a world pioneer in biofuels, Brazil began its sugar cane-based ethanol program 30 years ago after the world oil crisis threw its economy into a nosedive. The number of sugar ethanol and ethanol plants in Brazil was 325 in 2006/07. Around 18 new plants have already started operations in 2006-07; another 16 new plants are expected to begin crushing in the new sugar season 2007-08 and 32 are expected to open in MY 2008/09. Total area planted to sugarcane and ethanol production is expected to increase to over 10 million ha. Sugarcane and ethanol production are expected to reach 727 million metric tonnes and 38 billion litters by 2012/2013. The cost of producing raw sugar in Brazil is around 9.2 cents per lb and 12.39 cents per lb for white. The cost of producing ethanol in Brazil from sugarcane currently accounts at US$0.29 per litre (rate of exchange US $1.00 = R$2.00). Being an important user of ethanol for its fuel consumption, Brazil’s total domestic ethanol consumption for 2007-08 is expected to be 17 billion liters of ethanol, up 2.85 million liters compared to previous year’s 14.2 billion liters.

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